Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Apartment, New Patio

About a month and a half ago, I moved into a new apartment with a private patio. Between apartments I lived at my dad's where my plants got less than ideal care, and many of them died or began to deteriorate. When I moved into the new place I brought all the survivors, and started adding to my collection again.

Among those that didn't make it were my Angel Wing Begonia, Airplane Plant, my tea tree bonsai, Elephant Toes, Philodendron, and others. Many of my other succulents are still looking poor, but others of my plants are beginning to flourish with all the new sunlight and care.

I've hung my orange kalanchoe blosfeldiana, and Christmas fern in one of my hanging planters - both of which are showing signs of improvement!

I got a few tomato plants and planted them in a long planter. Each plant had a tomato on it and finally one of them is showing some color! I recently also got some herbs and planted them in a long planter as well. I got them less for cooking than for aesthetics and aroma. I got Italian Oregano (with adorable white flowers! ), Garden Sage, Rosemary, and a delicious smelling Chocolate Mint!

I also recently purchased a new Begonia to fill the void that the old one left when it died. The new one isn't near as extravagant, but it's still very lovely. And I also got a Dwarf Ixora with adorable yellow flowers!